Saturday, May 29, 2010

Debt push Argentina into bankruptcy

Buenos Aires - own goal in Argentina: Due million debt of the clubs when their players the nationaleFußballverband (AFA), the season opener for most Ligengestoppt.
 The Primera División is "still a reprieve until Aug 11. If the debt until then clubs have nichtbeglichen their debts, should according to a decision of the AFA of Mittwochauch the first round-launch of the "king class", the "Apertura", to be postponed.
   According to the players' union FAA to amount to a total debt of finished clubs to 40 million pesos (about € 7.4 million). Auchgroße Premier League clubs like River Plate, Independiente and Racing stehennach FAA estimates on the players in the Cretaceous. The first Spieltagder "Primera División" is currently scheduled for mid August.
   Julio Humberto Grondona, AFA President said from football because of the crisis, his trip to Moscow, where he was on 12 August really wanted to pursue dasFreundschaftsspiel Argentina and Russia. He bleibein Argentina, was released to the problem. Previously he had said with views of the debt: "This can in a day or two or even several weeks erstin be regulated. The matter must be in Ordnunggebracht. Everything has its limit."
   Grondona suggested a crisis meeting with Argentina's PräsidentinCristina Fernández de Kirchner. Already on Wednesday, he also represented the Government wanted to talk about possible financial aid. Vonder shift, the second League ("B Nacional"), the third League ("BMetropolitana") and other regional classes affected. Two derLigen should already start on Saturday in the season.