Friday, June 4, 2010

The border war of mistaken Frechen

Frechen - It's a crazy, tough neighborhood dispute.
Johann of both (56), as they watch his house expires because he was not allowed to repair the winter damage. The reason: He is allowed to enter the land of his neighbor, under no circumstances.
Particularly well, they have never been clear of both John and his neighbor. Time and again there were times in the past, larger, sometimes smaller taunts between the two.
The house of the 56-year-olds in Frechen is right on the border to neighboring property. Here potatoes are grown. Between the house and the potato field there is a large strip of grass about 50 centimeters. And even on this narrow path may not work both.
"When it got warmer something I discovered on the terrace and the wall small fissures" tells both. "Over time there seeps through the humidity. The longer I wait, the greater the damage to my house. "
As he entered the neighboring property could not because his neighbor has forbidden him that, he tried at the district court for an injunction Kerpen obtain. "After me is through the so-called" hammer-and head right to ", according to at least one conductor for repair work on the adjacent property is allowed," he argued.
 The court rejected his application, however. The reason: the damage to the house were not serious enough to have to act immediately. "So I was now by the court condemned to have to see if my house falls apart," he complains. His neighbor finds himself in the right. "Lord of both can wait. He is my harvest damage by his work, so I told him not permitted to enter my property. Although he will only stand on the grass strips, paint falling on my potatoes. When I'm done, we can talk again. "