Monday, May 17, 2010

Rail admits further data checks

Berlin - The Deutsche Bahn has been gespitzelt even more than previously known. On Tuesday, two other employees were granted Kontrollaktionenmit data.
This is from a report produced at the Bundestagund the Federal Ministry of Transport. Accordingly, in 1998 machine data comparisons were made. 2005/06Daten also been reviewed by senior management.
Should serve the so-called screening data, the Vonder Corporate Audit have been encouraged to fight corruption.
The railway admitted a mistake. When automatic data alignment is "an unreasonably high number of staff involved have been," says the report. nichtauszuschließen It was that investigation commissioned beimEinholen external companies "of information - some with knowledge and approval of vonMitarbeitern DB AG - have violated the law".
Federal Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) was also "nichtzufrieden" with the interim report. "In particular, remains open wergenau what is responsible."
Bahn chief Hartmut Mehdorn said: "All waswir know to this day, is on the table."
As a first consequence of the report, the Head of Corporate Audit, Josef Bähr, asked his leave of absence. This was informed by a railway spokesman. Bähr would therefore not appear before the Transport Committee, to answer questions about the data affair.