Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Saved for driving: money gone

        Photo: Udo Gottschalk
        Brühl --
A host of Bruehl has thoroughly ruined his pub regulars 50 Christmas. Was planned for early December, the disbursement of the savings box it. Burst
As the savers were moving to the alternate date, they were angry, surprised. Host Ralf K. (48) has just closed down the beer fountain at the Cologne road. He disappeared with 33,000 euros. Sonja Narawitz (38) Saturday for the Express: "This is a Riesensauerei."
She and her boyfriend Marco Weck (34) have now repaid a complaint against the landlord. "We determine for embezzlement," said Barbara Möllmann, police spokeswoman for the Rhine-Erft circle.
Ralf K. Two years had the business with his partner, Gabrielle D. led. "He has badly kept house," says Sonja Narawitz: "Only when FC games was going on." The restaurant was hangout for FC Cologne fan clubs "beer fountain".
So far the police have received about ten ads. Officials is a list of depositors, the investigators will contact each one.
Ralf K. landlord had initially put off his guests with the excuse that the bank makes problems. Then he just hung a piece of paper bearing the words "Closed due to contagious disease" to the restaurant and catering announced the lease without notice. The home owner is looking for a successor.
What remains are the disgruntled guests: One of them had saved 2,000 euros to fund his daughter's car license. Whether the savers their money back ever, is in the stars. "We fear that the landlord logs bankruptcy," said Sonja Narawitz, "then our money would be gone."