Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cameras in all train stations?

Dusseldorf - video cameras in train stations to prevent graffiti and other vandalism. Of these, the station manager Jörg Seelmeyer is convinced. He therefore wants to install more cameras in conjunction with the city.
The report on Wednesday, the West German newspaper. Seelmeyer promotes his plan on Wednesday in order and Transportation Committee.
Two new machines have already been decided: This year will be introduced at the stations Hellerhof and Eller-Süd video surveillance. The city will pay the investment costs (50,000 to 60,000 euros) including a Rufsäule, the railway operation () each of around 10,000 euros per year. Other stations will follow in 2008 - if the consent policy.
Six of 25 stations, train stations are now under video surveillance. "That's where the situation has improved considerably," says Seelmeyer. The images run into a security center in the central station. There, sitting around the clock for at least two employees, starting in December even three. You have the right eight screens, five of them images from the cameras, alternating between the perspectives. Targeted individual cameras can be brought up and the scenes (depending on model) to be zoomed. Observe the employees a crime, called the police.
Has access to only the federal police. One reason may be that the images will be stored for 48 hours. If a crime may happen, the federal police (and only them) to evaluate the images. Episode: "At the stations with cameras, there are virtually no automatic Topfer more," says Seelmeyer. These are crooks who manipulate the machines so that passengers do not get the more you change.