Friday, March 12, 2010

The monkey reaches for bio-weapon

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Krefeld - Alas, if they become sour: The Krefeld Zoo chimpanzees rehearse the uprising. The monkey reaches for bio-weapon. It hails droppings!
"Let us drop by again in the sweet chimpanzees." Nice proposal, but so many zoo visitors fiercely regretted lately. Our animal relatives there for some time shows very clearly what she really thinks of us: Led by Chief Charlie Monkey (26), makes his gang regularly with a fecal bombardment of panic and dirty clothes, but also for laughs among the visitors. Lacher, if the neighbor is taken ...
Zoo veterinarian Dr. Martin Straube: "The monkey put in proper little ammunition. Act as if nothing had to wait patiently for the right moment, and then the mail goes out. "
Why are they calculated to throw mud, he also knows: "They have long experimented with fruit and straw. And they have identified: Kot has the best effect. Then right in front of the cage, what's going on. "Throwing only do the boys. Straube: "You want to make their position clear." Favorite target: Alpha creatures - men who make themselves important.
Absolute favorite object: Zoo director Dr Wolfgang Dressen (his laundry bill must be pretty high).
Relatively safe from attack: blonde women. Straube, "namely, Charley likes blondes!"