Friday, April 23, 2010

The lid of the coma Kunibertsviertel

Cologne - How much booze tolerate a human being? We see an original Päffgen cap, strichübersät. It is a testimony of a Mine-evening on Saturday in a brewery "Max Stark" in Kunibertsviertel: Two men tipped from 18.30 clock in just four hours 67 Koelsch - and no one to stop them. Booze coma in Veedel: Is this normal?
No, not quite. Amazed at the service demands from a nearby table said, belonged to the goings on the last table in the back shop to score its most extreme experiences. Compared EXPRESS on Sunday said a person responsible, the difficulty has to intervene when a host, like this: "There are already people after 35 Koelsch like a streak went out the door."
Maintain posture? It worked in the case of turbo-drinkers from Saturday at all. The older of the two (about 60 years, he had the lion's share with 40 glasses of intus) Having had to be on the way out, was totally by the wind, as it was about 23 clock - just before the man had an empty chair accidentally runtergestoßen the stairs to the bathroom. Giant-din, the operation initially thought the man himself had fallen down and looked troubled.
So tough question: where will we draw the line? Where to spoil the fun of the guest? Three per thousand, which) the Mega-Zechner (at a meal must have had some intus are pure private matter? The Cologne lawyer Winfried Schwabe: "The law says that everyone is responsible for himself. Only if the guest e.g. announced after 30 Koelsch, to sit behind the wheel now, there may be an obligation to intervene. The hosts of responsibility in the alcohol excesses is a very borderline case. "
From the upcoming sentence for the drunk-host of Berlin, who was drinking a 16 year old 45 Tequila (the boy died) Schwabe, however, expected a signal beyond the Youth Protection Act.
67 Kölsch in four hours - what do you think? Discuss with in our forum!