Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Zoff the stadium

Leverkusen - Bayer's new dream arena - the construction of the new stadium is increasingly becoming a nightmare. As reported EXPRESS early May, was to be closed on Saturday to certainty: The Lindner Hotel has long been - and apparently Bayer paid the bill.
As the Rheinische Post on Saturday reported that Bayer has boss Wolfgang wooden houses fork out 4.1 million euros in order to pacify hotel boss Otto Lindner jr. He had previously threatened any action, wanted to force a building freeze. "To speculate, I take no position," says Bayer boss. "This is not our hotel, we can not close it. The figures I will not comment. "
But hotel manager Elke Zäschke confirmed on Saturday the Express: "We conclude Monday for twelve months. I am currently trying to accommodate the employees in other hotels of the Lindner Group. "In private conversations between the wooden houses and Lindner has been struggling in recent days to find a solution. On Sunday we will go to the public.
It is not the first problems in the reconstruction. It started with the kostenbedingten move to Dusseldorf. Then steel prices rocketed. "We thought about stopping the whole project," admits wooden houses. The Bayer boss reached an agreement with a general contractor, wanted a "cost cap" of 70 million euros. But that is schöngerechnet: The building costs (estimated at 3 million euros) are there any more in there as the compensation payments to Lindner and McDonald's (approximately 1.2 million euros).
And it threatens to further trouble. On the other side of Bismarck Street, where Bayer plans to buy 04 parking hinbauen and the fast food, there is a group of local residents (nickname: The Gauls) who wish to defend themselves against their neighbors.
According EXPRESS information next week they intend to initiate legal action against the plans and could disrupt the reconstruction. Nothing but trouble for wooden houses & Co. But General Manager Zäschke already longs for the end of the conversion work: "On 1 July 2009 we will return to a beautiful new stadium. "

Friday, April 23, 2010

The lid of the coma Kunibertsviertel

Cologne - How much booze tolerate a human being? We see an original Päffgen cap, strichübersät. It is a testimony of a Mine-evening on Saturday in a brewery "Max Stark" in Kunibertsviertel: Two men tipped from 18.30 clock in just four hours 67 Koelsch - and no one to stop them. Booze coma in Veedel: Is this normal?
No, not quite. Amazed at the service demands from a nearby table said, belonged to the goings on the last table in the back shop to score its most extreme experiences. Compared EXPRESS on Sunday said a person responsible, the difficulty has to intervene when a host, like this: "There are already people after 35 Koelsch like a streak went out the door."
Maintain posture? It worked in the case of turbo-drinkers from Saturday at all. The older of the two (about 60 years, he had the lion's share with 40 glasses of intus) Having had to be on the way out, was totally by the wind, as it was about 23 clock - just before the man had an empty chair accidentally runtergestoßen the stairs to the bathroom. Giant-din, the operation initially thought the man himself had fallen down and looked troubled.
So tough question: where will we draw the line? Where to spoil the fun of the guest? Three per thousand, which) the Mega-Zechner (at a meal must have had some intus are pure private matter? The Cologne lawyer Winfried Schwabe: "The law says that everyone is responsible for himself. Only if the guest e.g. announced after 30 Koelsch, to sit behind the wheel now, there may be an obligation to intervene. The hosts of responsibility in the alcohol excesses is a very borderline case. "
From the upcoming sentence for the drunk-host of Berlin, who was drinking a 16 year old 45 Tequila (the boy died) Schwabe, however, expected a signal beyond the Youth Protection Act.
67 Kölsch in four hours - what do you think? Discuss with in our forum!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What are these white Puschel in the air?

Cologne - As bad as it has never ... In the park, on the football field, at the barbecue - wherever the white cotton wool-things flying around.
"Mistakenly Puschel are referred to as the white poplar pollen. Facts: This is the so-called 'poplar' from the aspen (aspen)," said Reinhard Muck, Deputy Head of the district office parks Cologne. "The 'poplar' is completely safe and causes no allergy to 99.9 percent." The pollen used to fly - in the period from February to April.
"If it has yet to wind comes, you feel as if you stuck in deep snow. Why is this year really so extreme?" Asks EXPRESS reader Martina Klein.
The answer: "It is because in the last few days was extremely warm and no rain for long periods of time has," says Muck.
Not only in the hair and the clothes remain hanging, the white pollen. They also cause nose and itchy eyes and sore throat.
Do you have a say also problems with the "poplar" - HERE ...
More Weather: First heat, then ground frost>
Learn about allergies: hay fever was: How bad's ever>

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The DEG is not using opportunities

Dusseldorf - While the ice machines alone completed their laps and were gone, the Metro-Stars-losers in the cabin, there were many DEG fans still there and discussed.
After the bitter 2:3 against the Hamburg Freezers, there were plenty of Gesprächsbedarf.Zum example why did the ultimate arbiter Jablukov Bully before the gates of Hamburg, although again, but did not replay instead of the five previously displayed only two seconds.
But it was not because of the "stolen" three seconds, there were still more questions. The most important: Why the DEG does not use their chances?
Since the Dusseldorf started where they left off in the 3:4-Penaltypleite in Kassel. Also against the Hamburger "iceboxes" - clear chance Plus, no goals. "We have not played so bad, were aggressive, but somehow it will currently not work in the financial statements, angry defender and goalscorer Peter Ratchuk.
 Much more effective the guests who Karalahti by one of their few forays used to keep cool.
In the second third only 79 seconds were played, there was finally able to celebrate the DEG one scorers: Shane Joseph was the right place for a rebound. But look, the MetroStars were only just above the 1:1, because as DEG-Keeper Jochen Reimer missed the target, "said Barta Thanks.
Also Ratchuk Traumtor after Supersolo and ice-cold complete - only a minor high: after 100 seconds in the final section met Freezer Pielmeier exactly right in the corner.
"It's funny that we always play will not be successful if we complete the job is available," wondered Manager Lance Nethery.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Van Bommel is merely Klinsi

Lisbon - until well after midnight, the Bayern bosses were sitting together at the banquet, enjoying the relief from the 5:0-record win at Sporting Lisbon and discuss the game.
Even Franz Beckenbauer was passed - and so was Pedro Leitao in the hall of the Ritz Carlton hotels in the most "football Stammtisch" Germany: Jürgen Klinsmann in the middle, next to Hoeness, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, Beckenbauer, to Karl Hopfner and Paul Breitner.
The fact that none of the gentlemen bird celebrated wildly, but was also because the situation in the league - four points behind the leaders - and the uncomfortable pressure on the team, and last but not least coach Jürgen Klinsmann remains high. "Kaiser Franz" suggested "that the coach has earned the grade 1", and Hoeness said quickly that it "was never discussion about Jürgen Klinsmann." Whether the gentlemen there already knew the statements of the captain?
After all, who with Mark van Bommel pays attention to the nuances, comes to a different conclusion than Beckenbauer and Hoeness. The Dutchman added Klinsmann already angekratzter authority to further scarring and put his coach in public just as he told the astonished reporters that "we had come together" to believe "to play defensively."
Indian Wells has been nothing more to say about? Van Bommel certainly drauflos chatted cheerfully: "It had to happen when you get so easily conceded. We decided this together. It's not as if we had a meeting where the coach told us we should play more defensive. "Other players agreed.
So rather than Klinsis arrangement, but rather the initiative from the Bavarians played really compact. On hasty passes into the tip and thus to the Indian Wells propagated by "vertical game" almost entirely abandoned.
"We have stood together very closely, it must be in the future," claimed Philip Lahm, who Klinsmann publicly before the game's insistence on the defensive doctrine had been put under pressure.
No matter which way of playing, Saturday in Bremen need to refill the Bavarians, otherwise the pressure is rising!
Read also: Bayern can celebrate again>